Discovery through Dissection: Advancing Education with Lab Supplies

2024 Grant Winner

Mackenzie McComber and Shayla Kruse at McGovern Middle School will use $2,148.60 for their project, “Discovery through Dissection: Advancing Education with Lab Supplies.”

Mackenzie McComber and Shayla Kruse at McGovern Middle School will use $2,148.60 for their project, “Discovery through Dissection: Advancing Education with Lab Supplies.”

They will purchase dissection pads, dissection tools, preserved specimens in jars, and skeletons for 220 7th graders. In the proposal, they wrote, “The supplies will be used to dissect earthworms, grass frogs, and owl pellets. The preserved specimens and skeletons will be used to analyze and examine a larger variety of organisms and their characteristics. Students will be able to engage and see first-hand how the systems are connected within the bodies of different organisms. Dissections and preserved specimens are a vital expansion that helps students master the standards through hands-on experience.”

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