Bryan Aukerman received $1,290 for his proposal, “A More Metacognitive Consideration of Media, Media Bias, and Valid Research Through Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart.” With the grant, Bryan will purchase an Ad Fontes subscription and the SUMMA News Literacy Curriculum. Both will be used by students in Accelerated English II and AP Language and Composition, but any student at Washington will have access. In the proposal, he wrote, “This site-subscription provides access to the media bias chart but also how the bias of individual articles and sources is calculated. This is the fodder for a more substantive discussion with students about how we evaluate sources in today’s glut of voices but also suggests ‘opposing viewpoints,’ so students can consider the larger discussion of any current argument in popular culture.”

Allison Smith is the second Public School Proud Grant winner. She received $1,999.96 for her grant, “Backyard Brains Toolkit.” She will purchase two neuroscience kits. In the proposal, she wrote, “These materials can be used in the classroom setting as stations in which students work in groups through experiential and discovery learning. During our nervous system unit, students learn about neuron activity and how reflexes are used to manipulate muscle control. The technology in these toolkits allows students to experience and analyze the science in real time rather than through simple 2D and 3D models that are currently used. Beyond content acquisition, these toolboxes can spark student interest in a rapidly-developing and high-demand career area.”