2024 Grant Winner

Ann Hajek at Oscar Howe Elementary will use $806.01 for her proposal, “Fine Motor Fun.”
With the grant funds, Ann will purchase interlocking gear STEM sets, building blocks, magna tiles, lacing letters, brain flakes, special effects crayons, pony beads, engineering sets, puzzles, STEM tubular pipes and joints, plastic nuts and bolts, play dough, nail peg boards, and Legos. In the application, she wrote, “I would like to purchase a variety of activities that will help students when they are working in the classroom. Many of my students struggle with fine motor skills as well as social skills. These foundational skills are crucial for students to succeed in school and in life and mastering them will help them achieve their academic and behavior goals. With these materials, students get to play and build muscles! You can’t get more hands-on than that!”