2024 Grant Winner

Eliza Leloux at Jane Addams Elementary received $403.80 for her proposal, “Let’s Get Regulated!”
With the grant dollars, she plans to purchase Zenimals, yoga materials, mindfulness packs, a dance party brain break button, snap, match, and move games, and more to teach students self-regulation strategies. In the application, she wrote, “Throughout the day, students may face various challenges that make it difficult for them to successfully manage their emotions. Helping kids develop self-regulation skills involves providing them with strategies and support to manage their behaviors and thoughts effectively. I plan to create a calming space in our classroom where students can use fidgets, mindful mazes, and visual timers. We will practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques through yoga, tactile breathing cards, and listening to meditating music with a Zenimal. If students need a brain break, we will use a game with movement activities or the 30-second dance break button for added fun. Consistent practice and reinforcement of these strategies will contribute to their effectiveness and help students feel empowered to manage their emotions.”