Master Multiplier and Dynamite Divider

2024 Grant Winner

Jennifer Scheff from Hayward Elementary received $955.78 for her proposal, “Master Multiplier and Dynamite Divider.”

Jennifer Scheff from Hayward Elementary received $955.78 for her proposal, “Master Multiplier and Dynamite Divider.”

With the funds, Jennifer plans to purchase math board games, flashcards, fidget charts, multiplication SPLAT AND SWAT!, and times table charts. In the application, she wrote, “The activities and games will encourage students to be mathematicians as they break apart and manipulate numbers. Student engagement leads to proficiency. The games range from one-on-one practice to thinking and strategizing skills within a group. The activities can be differentiated to meet students’ needs at all levels, and they will be encouraged to use the multiplication table as a tool until fact fluency develops. With a solid knowledge base of foundational math facts, it becomes easier to learn new concepts. Not only do students see how multiplication facts are related to one another, but they understand and efficiently use the relationships between multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division to solve problems. This activity will also foster social skills. Students will practice taking turns, problem-solving, using math vocabulary to communicate, and building relationships with each other. In our classrooms, social skills need to be taught and practiced just like academic skills.”

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