Education Foundation Participates in American Education Week

Public schools across the United States will celebrate American Education Week November 14-18, 2022. To kick off the festivities, individuals can nominate a school in the Sioux Falls School District to receive a complimentary pop-up coffee bar from Scooter’s Coffee, courtesy of the Education Foundation.

Starting November 14th, comment on the Education Foundation’s Facebook post with the school you’d like to nominate to win.

Vote here:

Nominations can be made November 14-18. Your vote only counts once, but you can share the post with family members and friends and encourage them to participate, too. All of the nominations will be tallied, and the school with the most mentions on Facebook by 11:59 p.m. on November 18th will be awarded the complimentary coffee bar. The winning school will be announced on Facebook the week of November 21-25, and the coffee bar will take place in December.

Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation

Since 2008, the Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation has been funding grants that empower educators and enhance student engagement. We believe in kids, and we believe in opportunity. It is our goal to bring the two together, and we do that through our three main programs: First Time Teacher Grants, Public School Proud Grants, and the Student Success Fund.

Join our mission to enhance educational opportunities and promote achievement among all students by supporting academic projects and activities not funded by tax dollars.

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