JFK Teachers Receive Public School Proud Grant to Help Students with Self-Regulation

Reece Almond, Becca Frahm, Emily Dilly, and Cailey Linn

Becca Frahm, Cailey Linn, Donnetta Warrington, and Emily Dilly received $4066.79 for their proposal, “Increasing Regulation.” They will purchase emotions boards, light filters, kinetic sand kits, a sand and water table, therapy balls, and sensory sacks that can be used by students throughout the building in the sensory room.

In the application, they wrote, “Sensory dysregulation occurs when one or more sensory systems are out of balance due to excess sensory input or not enough sensory input. Dysregulation can vary student to student but can include excessive movement, impulsivity, shrieking or yelling, uncontrollable laughter, inability to follow directions, and more. When dysregulation goes unaddressed, the body’s central nervous system remains imbalanced. For some students, this can lead to significant behavior issues. As a result, students may need to be removed from the classroom in an attempt to provide space to calm down without interrupting others. It’s important to note that dysregulation is NOT a choice. When we provide a safe space for students to regulate, their most basic needs are met, and they’re able to do that without missing large chunks of classroom instruction. Student-specific sensory diets (targeted times and activities built into the day) can be created as a proactive strategy for students.”

Las year, the Education Foundation awarded a Public School Proud Grant to the counselor at JFK Elementary so that she could purchase calming kits. Students have access to these tools in the classroom when they need to take a minute to self-regulate. The sensory room is used when students need to leave the classroom for a brain break.

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