More Than 60 Public School Proud Grant Applications Received

The Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation has received more than 60 applications for the Public School Proud Grant Program. Any educator in the Sioux Falls School District can apply for up to $10,000 each year to purchase creative and inventive materials not financed by tax dollars.

Staff members from 31 schools have submitted applications for grants that cover language arts, social studies, science, physical education, technology, math, music, art, foreign language, auto body repair, engineering, and social emotional learning. This year alone, Verizon has generously donated $50,000 to be used specifically for STEM grants.

A group of administrators will review the applications to ensure the materials align with the curriculum and the district’s strategic plan, and then the Grants Committee will screen each application blindly. The six-person committee scores them independently, and then they meet as a group to review. Any teacher requesting more than $3,000 may be invited to a formal presentation. The Grants Committee will make a final recommendation to the Education Foundation Board of Directors, who ultimately approve the overall grant allocation.

After Board approval, the Education Foundation organizes Public School Proud: Grant Patrol. Donors and supporters will surprise grant winners with balloons, candy, and the check to purchase their materials. Public School Proud Grant winners will be featured on social media and highlighted at the Foundation’s two main events, the State of the School District Breakfast and Public School Proud: Student Showcase.

If interested in supporting the Public School Proud Grant Program, please call 367.4484 and ask for Allison Struck. She can also be reached via email (

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