Susan B. Anthony Teacher Receives Grant to Reinforce Literacy, Math, and Social Skills

Mark Millage, Tina Slade, and Tim McCarthy

Tina Slade received a $1,726.77 Public School Proud Grant for her proposal, “The Learning Connection.” She will purchase alphabet books, phonics little readers, magnetic number tiles, learning locks, letter crayons, picture magnets, feelings and emotions dough maps, and a peaceful kids yoga kit. In the application, she wrote, “The Learning Connection will support the bridge that brings learning content and strategies to families at home.  Oftentimes, parents are not aware of what and how to teach foundational skills to support their student as they begin their educational journey.  This project will provide hands-on manipulatives, books, and project ideas to use on a rotating basis throughout the year.  Kits will include items designed to reinforce beginning literacy, math, and social skills. I will assemble 20 kits: five for math, five for reading, five for writing, and five for social skills. Students will get to practice language skills and share with the class what they did at the end of the week.   

When parents are stakeholders in students’ education, there is a positive impact on success. Research shows that students are more likely to graduate, earn higher grades, have better attendance, and go to college when their family is supportive and engaged in their education. By practicing and forming connections at home, students are more invested in their learning and better able to apply this to similar activities at school.  Many grants and projects propose materials for use by students in the classroom.  The Learning Connection takes it one step further to involve a child’s very first teachers…their family! By providing tools for use in the classroom and at home, we can positively impact a child’s readiness to learn. For students who will enter kindergarten next year, these activities will “even” the playing field for those who may not have access to educational toys, activities, and experiences.  Students will learn skills in the classroom, and this grant ensures they have an opportunity to practice and further develop their talents in an enriching environment.”  

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