Project Eagle’s Nest

2024 Grant Winner

Gretchen Johnson and Kiley Thompson at Garfield Elementary received $1,710 for their proposal, “Project Eagle’s Nest.”

Gretchen Johnson and Kiley Thompson at Garfield Elementary received $1,710 for their proposal, “Project Eagle’s Nest.”

With the funds, they plan to purchase two sets of heart-rate monitors that will be used to help students with self-regulation. In the application, they wrote, “The wrist heart rate monitor is the only one designed specifically for children and education. Using this technology, students will understand the zones of regulation and strategies to use when their heart rate increases. Students will check out the watch in the morning with their teacher and review expectations. They will use the watch to monitor zones and heart rate data, and with that information, the student can use self-regulation strategies when needed. At the end of the day, the student will check in the watch and use the tap-and-go to sync and review the data with their teacher. This information will help identify trigger areas, difficult times of the day, and what is going well. Based on that feedback, the teacher and student can review and plan for the next day.”

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