Sensory Hallway

2024 Grant Winner

Kristen Heilman and Kiley Songstad at the Learning Lab received $1,259 for their proposal, “Sensory Hallway.”

Kristen Heilman and Kiley Songstad at the Learning Lab received $1,259 for their proposal, “Sensory Hallway.”

With the funds, they will purchase sensory paths, stepping stones, gymnastics mats, and liquid gel floor tiles. In the application, they wrote, “Our location houses the district screen and evaluation offices. Yearly, more than 700 children are screened for developmental concerns. In addition, we have three preschool classrooms. Children often display a need for sensory stimulation. Due to overload or deprivation, many appear dysregulated and do not perform well at the screening. Providing kids an opportunity to regulate their bodies prior to entering an appointment will calm and soothe overloaded/deprived sensory systems allowing them to perform well. Engaging in these types of activities can help children self-regulate, manage sensory overload, and improve attention and focus. The structured nature of the pathways and stations provides a consistent sensory experience, which can be particularly beneficial for children with sensory processing disorders or autism spectrum disorders.”

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